
Rules of Procedure of the Regional Administrations

General Principles

Art. 3 The regional governor is a single-person executive authority in the administrative region, who implements state government at the local level and ensures correspondence of national and local interests in the implementation of regional policy.

Art. 4. (1) The regional administration is managed and represented by the Regional governor.

(2) In the implementation of the activities thereof, the regional governor is assisted by regional vice governors and by a regional administration.

(3) The regional governor is designated by a decision of the Council of Ministers.

(4) The regional vice governors are appointed by the Prime Minister.

(5) The regional governor determines the powers and the areas of responsibility of the regional vice governors.

(6) In the absence thereof, the powers of the regional governor are exercised by a regional vice governor designated thereby by a written order.

(7) (New, SG 52/07) The regional governor may assign with a written order the performence of specific functions to the regional vice governors according to their the areas of responsibility determined in accordance with para. 5.

(8) (Amended, SG No. 52/2007) In order to carry out his functions of financial management and control in the administration, the regional governor may delegate his powers to a staff member of the administration. This delegation do not exonerate the regional governor of responsibility for the implementation of the delegated powers.

Art. 5. (1) The regional governor interacts with the bodies of local self-government in the territory of the region, with the executive power bodies and with other institutions not included in the system of the executive power.

(2) The regional governor cooperates with the administration of the territorial structures of trade unions, employers’ organizations, social and non-governmental organizations.

Art. 6. (1) The regional governor submits to the Council of Ministers annual report for the activity of the regional administration.

(2) (Amended, SG No. 52/2007, No. 5/2010, effective 19.01.2010) The regional governor submits to the Secretary General of the Administration of the Council of Ministers an annual report on the state of the regional administration.

Powers and Authorities of the Regional Governor

Art. 7. (1) (Amended, SG No. 22/2005, No. 52/2007, No. 5/2010, effective 19.01.2010) The regional governor:

  1. implements the state policy in the administrative region, coordinates the operation of the executive authorities and of the administrations thereof within the territory of the region and the interaction of the said authorities and administrations with the
    local authorities;
  2. ensures correspondence between the national and the local interests, organizes the elaboration and implementation of regional strategies and programs for regional development, interacts with the bodies of local self-government and the local administration;
  3. assumes responsibility for the conservation and protection of state property within the territory of the administrative region;
  4. ensures observance of the law within the territory of the administrative region and exercises administrative control over compliance with administrative acts;
  5. exercises control over the legal conformity of the acts issued and steps performed by the bodies of local self-government and the local administration;
  6. liaises with the local units of the central administration of the executive branch of government within the territory of the administrative region and controls the implementation of the acts and the steps of the heads of the said units;
  7. coordinates and controls the activities of the local units of the ministries and of the other administrative structures, which implement administrative servicing within the territory of the administrative region, regardless of their hierarchical subordination;
  8. coordinates and verifies compliance with the acts issued and steps performed by the heads of local units of the central administration of the executive branch of government within the territory of the administrative region;
  9. organises and manages operations for protection of the population, cultural property and physical assets, the environment, in the event of disaster;
  10. chairs the Security Board;
  11. handles the international contacts of the administrative region at the regional level;
  12. conducts an information policy that guarantees the openness and accessibility of the activities of the regional administration;
  13. chairs the Regional Development Council of the South Central Region;
  14. organizes the preparation of the regional development strategy;
  15. submits the draft of the Regional Development Strategy for discussion, agreement and adoption by the Regional Development Council;
  16. chairs the Regional Development Council under the terms and procedure of Art. 18, para. 3 of the Regional Development Act;
  17. is responsible for the organizational and technical preparation of elections for state and local authorities and for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria on the territory of the regional;
  18. carries out the preparation of the economy and the population in the defense field and organizes the execution of the defense tasks in compliance with the Defense and Armed Forces Act of the Republic of Bulgaria;
  19. chairs the Regional Security Council;
  20. implements the management of water and sewerage systems as a representative of the state in the Bulgarian Water Association under the terms and procedures established by the Water Act;
  21. (amended, SG 27 of 2013) is responsible for the protection of the public order in the territory of the regional in the exercise of his statutory powers;
  22. organises and manages operations for protection of the population, cultural property and physical assets, the environment, in the event of disaster;
  23. (repealed – SG, issue 34 of 2016);
  24. approves the regional transport schemes;
  25. maintains international contacts on regional and regional level;
  26. approves the payroll list of the regional administration and the job descriptions of the posts directly subordinate to him and of the Secretary General;
  27. is responsible for the execution of financial management and control in all programs, activities and processes managed by him in compliance with the principles of legality, sound financial management and transparency;
  28. issues penal decrees for imposing administrative penalties in the cases provided by a law or other normative act;
  29. exercises the powers of a body appointing civil servants under the Civil Servants Act and powers of an employer exercises the powers of an employer in the employment legal relations under the Labour Code;
  30. sends on official trips, with explicit authorization, the regional vice governors in the country and abroad;
  31. sends on a business trip the employees and those working with employment contract in the regional administration in the country and abroad;
  32. approves the design of the seal of the regional governor which shall be with circular form as well as stamps for official purposes;
  33. approves the internal rules concerning the circulation of electronic documents and documents in hard-copy form corresponding to the specifics and peculiarities of the activity of the regional administration;
  34. ensures the development and the implementation of an administrative information system (AIS) in the regional administration;
  35. exercises other powers delegated to him by law or an act of the Council of Ministers;
  36. establishes and chairs councils and commissions in the performance of other functions assigned to him by law or an act of the Council of Ministers.

(2) (new – SG 5/10, effective 19.01.2010) In exercising its powers the regional governor may establish public councils and committees as consultative units as well as working groups for solving specific tasks.

(3) (Previous paragraph 2 – SG No. 5/2010, effective 19.01.2010) Acting within the powers therein vested, the regional governors issues orders.

Last modified on 13 November, 2019 at 16:46
