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Sopot commemorates the 150th anniversary of the general Vladimir Vazov’s birth

On May 16, 2018, Sopot commemorated the 150th anniversary of the birth of general Vladimir Vazov. The official ceremony was held in front of the monuments of the brothers Lieutenant General Georgi Vazov and Major General Vladimir Vazov.

Vice Regional Governor of Plovdiv Region eng. Dimitar Kerin, the honorary citizen of Sopot and a relative of the general – Assoc. Prof. Grigoriy Vazov, the Mayor of Sopot Municipality Mr. Deyan Doynov, the Chairman of Sopot Municipal Council – Mrs. Mariana Katsarova, colonel Deyan Deshkov – Deputy Commander of 61st Stryama Mechanized Brigade – Karlovo, Colonel (Res.) Bozhidar Babunov – Chairman of the Reserve Officers and Sergeants’ Union „General Vladimir Vazov“ – Sopot, Prof. Boyan Biolchev and many citizens came to pay tribute to memory of the Bulgarian soldier. They laid wreaths and flowers at the monument to the hero of the Battle of Doiran. The Regional Governor of Plovdiv Region Mr. Zdravko Dimitrov also sent a wreath for the ceremony. The Mayor of Sopot Mr. Doynov, Prof. Biolchev and the relative of the family – Grigoriy Vazov delivered passionate speeches about the heroism and the mark left by the Vazov family in the history of Bulgaria.

The name of general Vladimir Vazov is written with golden letters in the world’s military history. His victorious tactics of organizing and leading the Battle of Doiran, when the Bulgarian army won against the much superior in numbers opponent, is still taught at all military academies.

Gen. Vladimir Vazov recorded his name in golden letters in the world military history. His victorious tactics of organizing and conducting the Battle of Doiran, when the Bulgarian army defeated the more numerous enemies, are still being studied in all military academies.

The ceremony was attended by the honor guard and the Military Wind Orchestra of the 61st Stryama Mechanized Brigade.



Last modified on 25 June, 2018 at 16:13

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